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Why Slim Roast Works - When Nothing Else Has

Valentus Slim Roast is our best-selling weight loss coffee. 
It contains a blend of nine unique, natural ingredients, including 
Garcinia Cambogia, Green Coffee Bean Extract and Green tea extract  
When you combine these ingredients with the carb-blocking abilities of 
Phaseolamin & Cassiolamine white bean extract
 and the insulin sensitizing properties of Chromium & L-Carnitine,
 you have a winning formula for truly effective weight loss! 
Valentus Slim Roast is lightyears ahead of other weightloss products on the market today.

"It's No Wonder When You Take A Look At Our Synergestic Weight Loss Blend 
That So Many People are sending in mind blowing testimonials. "






















Our Synergistic Blend
Our breakthrough formula is a synergistic blend of nine 100% natural ingredients, 
each of which plays a different role in helping you safely and efficiently achieve your weight loss goal:

Valentus Slim Roast combines nine natural ingredients into a 
tremendously effective weight loss coffee that is 
Easy to implement into your daily life and will be something you look forward to every day 
For best results, you need to commit to at least one cup of Slim Roast per day. 
If you already drink coffee then this should be a cinch!


There are so many products on the market today
that promise real weight loss results...


You may have tried everything from special diets to 
expensive gym memberships, but

what works quickly and what is actually safe? 

Shockingly enough, the most powerful
weighloss blend to ever hit the weight-loss industry
is found right in our Coffee!



100% natural and uses ingredients backed by years of research

What Makes Valentus Slim Roast Coffee Different?

Accelerate Weight Loss In 4 Different Ways:

1. Chromium & L-Carnitine 




 Our Chromium and L-Carnitine Blend helps promote weight loss from fat storage, 
not muscle, which is key to losing weight.

2.  Phaseolamin & Cassiolamine 



A white bean extract that has been shown to prevent absorption of the starch found in foods like potatoes, breads and pasta. 
The end result is a decrease in the number of calories absorbed,
And Sugar Processed, thereby helping to promote weight loss. 
 This multi-flavonoid compound helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease 

and in the reduction of high blood pressure.

3. Green Tea & Green Coffee Bean Extracts 



 A powerful thermogenic fat burner. It holds promise in many aspects of health 

and cognition similar to bioflavonoids and shares some effects similar to caffeine, 
but less potent. Studies show that Chlorogenic Acid may also decrease the 
absorption of dietary carbohydrate, as well as provide 
anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.


4. Garcinia Cambogia HCA




Garcinia Cambogia has received much media attention for it’s effect on 
weight loss and food consumption control.
Sometimes referred to as Tamarind, it grows primarily in the lush green mountains of India, southeast Asia as well as in 
Central Africa. Its primary ingredient is the dietary super supplement known as HCA,

proven in scientific studies to stop hunger in its tracks. 

The tamarind fruit has traditionally been used in soups as appetizers before meals, 

because of the smaller portion sizes due to limited amount of food. 

It’s appetite suppression qualities helped make villagers feel 

more full (satiety) and the fruit would increase the workers’ 

fat burning (thermogenesis) providing an increase in energy and productivity.

HOW Do You Use It?

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals for 
Less Than $2 Per Day!


Our 12 in 24 Program has been effective for thousands
of people all over the world and we're just getting started!

For Maximum Weight Loss Support:

 Drink 1 cup of our Slim Roast Coffee 
In Morning WITH or AFTER a good breakfast 
(high in protien).  

Later in the day, during the typical 
afternoon slump Enjoy any of our other 
Valentus Prevail Bevrages OR Have a second cup of Slim Roast.  
Simple As That!

Lose 12 lbs OR 12 inches In 24 days
Drink Slim Roast 6 Days a Week and Taking One Day off
That's 24 Days
How many inches/lbs do you want to lose?














Within several weeks of taking Slim Roast, combined with 
a healthy breakfast you can expect:


Absorption of fewer carbs

Increased calorie burn

Reduced fat storage
Control over your appatite
Reduced Cravings

Elevated Mood & Focus

More Energy

The Great thing about our coffee is
It burns FAT
so if you have only a few pounds to lose or 100 pounds to lose
This will work for you!
It won't burn fat you don't have
but as you continue to enjoy your slim roast
it will continue to maintain your weight. 

The Ingredients in Prevail Slim Roast have many other 
research-backed health benefits that will help you feel healthier. 
If you add up the costs of all of the healthy ingredients in Slim Roast, 
you will find that you would easily spend anywhere from $140 to $210 per month.
And you would end up taking fist-fulls of capsules  
So Save Yourself Some Time & Money and Order Your Box of Slim Roast !

Get back with the person that shared this site with you!




NOTE: Includes Ginseng & Naturally Occuring Caffiene 
Ginseng and Drugs

Doctors do not recommend taking ginseng along with a class of antidepressants 
called monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 
because it can cause manic episodes and tremors.

Consult with your doctor if you are taking blood pressure and heart medications, 
including calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine (Procardia®). 
(such as warfarin or aspirin)

Many who are on these medications still consume our coffee
starting with 1/3 to 1/2 cup and work thier way up to a full cup. 

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